2,724 research outputs found

    Assessment of Generic Skills through an Organizational Learning Process Model

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    This contribution has been published in this repository with the permission of the publisher. This contribution was presented in WEBIST 2018 (http://www.webist.org/?y=2018) and has been published by SCITEPRESS in http://www.scitepress.org/PublicationsDetail.aspx?ID=y9Yt0eHt02o=&.The performance in generic skills is increasingly important for organizations to succeed in the current competitive environment. However, assessing the level of performance in generic skills of the members of an organization is a challenging task, subject to both subjectivity and scalability issues. Organizations usually lay their organizational learning processes on a Knowledge Management System (KMS). This work presents a process model to support managers of KMSs in the assessment of their individuals’ generic skills. The process model was deployed through an extended version of a learning management system. It was connected with different information system tools specifically developed to enrich its features. A case study with Computer Science final-year students working in a software system was conducted following an authentic learning approach, showing promising results.Visaigle Project (grant TIN2017-85797-R)

    Phase Shifter for Millimeter-Wave Frequency Range Based on Glide Symmetric Structures

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    The use of glide symmetry in radiofrequency devices to introduce dispersive effects has been recently proposed and demonstrated. One of these effects is to control the propagation constant of the structure. Here, we propose a mm-wave phase shifter whose elements have a glide-symmetric configuration to achieve a greater phase shift in the same waveguide space than the non-glide-symmetric case. The glide-symmetric phase shifter is implemented in waveguide technology and is formed by rows of metallic pins that produce the desired phase shift. To assess the better performance of the glide-symmetric phase shifter, it is compared to its non-glide-symmetric version whose metallic pins are located only in one of the broad sides of the waveguide. The operating frequency range of the phase shifter is 67 to 75 GHz. Results show a 180 degree phase shift in regard to the reference waveguide without pins, and 50 degrees more than the non-glide-symmetric version.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Graphical User Interface (GUI): ParamIni_LL_NRTL

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    33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE33), June 18-21, 2023, Athens, Greece (Theme 8. Education and knowledge transfer: Poster 43,Board 107).In the present work, the NRTL model has been analyzed to obtain a good representation of the different ternary liquid-liquid equilibria that this thermodynamic model can reproduce satisfactorily. To do that, the main characteristics of different possible binary subsystems, ternary binodal curves (location in the composition diagram, size, tie-lines orientation, and plait point location), and LLLE tie triangles have been evaluated. With more than two hundred systems studied, the different behaviors have been parametrized to create, as the main objective of the present work, a database and a graphical user interface associated (ParamIni_LL_NRTL, Labarta et al. 2022. RUA: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/130017). This resource (publicly available for teaching and research uses) allows, given a set of ternary experimental LLE data to obtain by comparison with the elements of the database, a consistent set of initial NRTL parameters (taui,j, alfai,j) to start the corresponding correlation data procedure with enough guarantees.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the Ministry of Science and Innovation from Spain, under the project PID2021-124139NB-C21: SUS4Energy, 2022/00666/001 (AEI)

    Analysis of Charged-Current Neutrino-Nucleus Cross Section

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    A study of the cross section for chaged-current quasielastic (CCQE) scattering on nuclei has been performed using a description of nuclear dynamics based on the Relativistic Fermi Gas model (RFG). The role played by different parametrizations for the weak nucleon form factors is analyzed taking into account the relevance of the axial mass value. The results obtained are compared with the recent data for neutrinos measured by the MiniBooNE Collaboration.Dirección General de Investigación (DGI). España FIS2011-28738-C02-01Centro Nacional de Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nuclear (CPAN) CSD2007- 0004

    Preclinical discovery of duloxetine for the treatment of depression

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    Introduction: Affective disorders, including major depressive disorder (MDD), are among the most severely disabling mental disorders, and in many cases areIntroduction: Affective disorders, including major depressive disorder (MDD), are among the most severely disabling mental disorders, and in many cases are associated with poor treatment outcomes. From the emergence of the monoamine hypothesis of depression, the first-line treatment for MDD had mainly acted by inhibiting monoamine reuptake, and thereby increasing these levels in the synaptic cleft. However, in recent years, several newantidepressant drugs have appeared, including duloxetine, a dual serotonin (5-HT) and noradrenaline (NA) reuptake inhibitor recommended for the treatment of MDD. Areas covered: The article reviews and discusses the biochemical and functional profile of duloxetine splitting the review into acute and long-term treatment with this dual monoamine reuptake inhibitor. In addition, the authors summarize available preclinical behavioral research data, which have demonstrated among other effects, the antidepressant-like activity of duloxetine in several animal models. The authors focus on the most recent literature on synaptic neuroplasticity modulation of this antidepressant drug. Finally, the authors briefly mention other approved indications of duloxetine. Expert opinion: Duloxetine inhibits 5-HT and NA reuptake, effectively desensitizes various autoreceptors and promotes neuroplasticity. Clinically, duloxetine is an effective antidepressant that is well tolerated and has significant efficacy in the treatment of MDD. associated with poor treatment outcomes. From the emergence of the monoamine hypothesis of depression, the first-line treatment for MDD had mainly acted by inhibiting monoamine reuptake, and thereby increasing these levels in the synaptic cleft. However, in recent years, several new antidepressant drugs have appeared, including duloxetine, a dual serotonin (5-HT) and noradrenaline (NA) reuptake inhibitor recommended for the treatment of MDD

    Mejoras de la integración como bloque de moodle del servicio web Evalcomix

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    La amplia disponibilidad de servicios web no ha hecho sino aumentar la demanda de versiones adaptadas para entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (VLE, Virtual Learning Environment) que integren y exploten dichos en entornos didácticos. EvalCOMIX, es un sistema de servicios web especialmente dedicado a la evaluación a través de Internet. A la vista de las dificultades derivadas de su integración en Moodle 1.9, y de la amplia reestructuación interna que sufrió Moodle 2.0 a nivel de código, para la versión 2.1 se decidió que EvalCOMIX fuera un nuevo bloque del sistema

    Instalaciones en un archivo histórico comarcal

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    Para resolver las necesidades de capacidad y unificación de los depósitos documentales de Archivo Histórico Comarcal del Baix Llobregat, se ha acondicionado un local de gran extensión, situado en la planta de un edificio perteneciente a una antigua fábrica, donde antiguamente se realizaban trabajos administrativos. En el siguiente proyecto se han realizado las instalaciones de: electrificación, iluminación, climatización, protección frente al rayo y la prevención y extinción frente al fuego, teniendo en cuenta aspectos medioambientales como el ahorro energético y también los económicos. El objetivo del proyecto es dotar al edificio de todas estas instalaciones teniendo en cuenta todos los reglamentos de obligado cumplimiento como son: - Reglamento Electrotécnico de Baja Tensión (REBT). - Reglamento de Instalaciones Térmicas en los Edificios (RITE). - Código Técnico d la Edificación (CTE). - PECCat Pla d’Equipaments Culturals de Catalunya 2009-2019. Para el diseño de las instalaciones se han tenido únicamente en cuenta a nivel medioambiental el ahorro energético que podríamos tener en consumo eléctrico, para ello se han revisado con especial atención los receptores finales existentes en el mercado y se ha optado por que fueran los más eficientes sin tener en cuenta el desembolso inicial. - En el apartado de iluminación se ha escogido alumbrado de fluorescencia como marca el PECCat pero todo con reactancias electrónicas y tubos fluorescentes ECO que son el nuevo modelo de PHILIPS, dando mayor cantidad de Lux con menos potencia. - A nivel de climatización se han escogida máquinas con líquido refrigerante variable; esto nos permite poder enfriar una estancia mientras podemos calentar otra; siendo de las más eficientes del mercado, además de ser inverter pueden llegar a tener unos tramos de hasta 1000 m. de tuberías consiguiendo un ahorro energético de hasta un 70 % frente a otras máquinas. Todo ello con un control centralizado para una mejor supervisión. También se ha realizado un estudio de protección frente al rayo ya que es una de las principales causas de disparo accidental de los sistemas de extinción de incendios y dada la importancia de la documentación a conservar se ha determinado de gran importancia